Department of Pharmacy


The study of pharmacy concerns the scientific, professional and social aspects of drugs and medicines. Pharmacy has progressed by leaps and bounds from the traditional practitioners, who would collect, prepare and dispense medication from their homes to becoming several trillion-dollar industries. The pharmacy graduates of today have the awesome responsibility for keeping abreast with the growth of diseases, developing new tools to combat all diseases, hospital care and even in the practices of preventive and community medicine. Given the complexity of modern medicine, the pharmacist has to be aware of potential drug interactions and their effect on human health. The pharmaceutical industries have added new dimensions with the production of health supplements and venturing into cosmetics as well as feed and medicinal formulations for agro-business like crop, fish, cattle and poultry. Taken together, the pharmacist has to be familiar with all these disciplines including recombinant DNA technology to satisfy the demands of drug targeting and gene therapy.

After successful completion of graduation in pharmacy, the graduate can register as an A-grade pharmacist and practice any branch of the profession. The pharmacy graduates have excellent career prospects both nationally and internationally, working in drug manufacturing, quality assurance, marketing  sales and also pharmacy practices. The Ministry of Health employs pharmacists in controlling, monitoring, legislative and advisory capacities. The pharmacists are also employed in universities and undertaking research. Pharmacy provides an honorable, rewarding, well paid, secured but challenging career with opportunities to contribute to the society, health sector and well being of nation.

UODA's mission is to serve the needs of society as they relate to pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences through education, research and community service. UODA pledges to carry out that mission based on the highest national and international standards.