Message of the Founder & President
The University Of Development Alternative (UODA) represents a new milestone in the concept of "Complete Education For Alternative Development" or the CEFAD concept. It arose from a deep sense of loss by witnessing a worldwide deterioration in values and a tendency in the youth towards a more materialistic culture. The sapling that was planted in the initial stage of the Student Welfare Organization of Bangladesh (SWOB) in 1978, grew into a tree and bore fruits with the founding of school, college and finally, the University Of Development Alternative (UODA). All three institutions depart radically from prevalent academic centres in their emphasis on principles and values to be followed by the students.
Today's world is a world of global competition and co-operation. One has to develop a global outlook in one's knowledge, manners or even habits. The university adheres to a policy of maintaining a strict dress code and proficiency in both native tongue as well as in English. It is also the policy of the university to encourage academic and research co-operation with other academic institutions nationally and internationally. At the same time we place utmost emphasis on self-reliance and development of social and cultural values which reflect our national identity.
Today's students will have to take over the responsibilities of governance of the country in the future. They are the ones whose dedication and selfless services will determine whether this country can proudly hold its place in the family of nations. It is our policy at UODA to treat students as human resources and not as commodities. Our objective is to impart the best possible education to them today, so that they can be better guardians of tomorrow. Towards attaining this objective, UODA places the highest emphasis on maintaining regular and highly trained faculties along with well equipped library and laboratories. Besides course work, UODA encourages all students and faculties to participate in social programs and activities.
I exhort the new students to uphold the proud message of the institution. You have entered the university with clear visions of a bright future. It is our solemn promise that you shall get the best possible education. Indeed, the course curriculum in various departments of the university stands second to none. Your duty would be to make the best use of the facilities so that you can graduate with honor and dignity. And all of us at the university can take pride in your accomplishments for years to come. As students and future graduates of this university, we expect you to not only build a career, but also become responsible citizens to serve the nation and society faithfully.
Professor Mujib Khan