Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)
The field of Electronics and Telecommunications occupies a unique position in the area of Technologies, which was nurtured by some of the best minds of this century, one that has witnessed highest rate of obsolescence. This department has the opportunities to adapt its curricula, laboratories and research programs to stay abreast of all the developments in electronics and related areas. In all its programs, it has managed to acquire the right mix of computers and communication, which is what, is fuelling the explosive growth in the era of electronics today.
Telecommunication is an area of specialization within the field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. It is concerned with all aspects of theory and applications for a broad range of systems such as telephone and data networks, radio and television broadcasting, satellite and deep space applications.
The study of Telecommunication may also involve research in digital communications, microwaves and antennas, optical communications (including the design and manufacture of lasers and optical fibers), signal and information processing and satellite mobile communications.
The ETE curriculum provides a wide perspective of the field of electronics and allows the student to decide his future directions. As can be expected, the students often diverge into related fields such as computer engineering. The ETE branch provides the perfect ground and flexibility for the students who wish to go into other streams
The field of telecommunication in Bangladesh is growing day by day. The students of ETE have ample opportunities to work in different telecom operators, Vendors in Bangladesh as in well as sub-continent countries. After completion of graduation, the students will achieve practical knowledge about how to do Network Planning, Radio Planning, Control and Maintenance of BTS and BSC and the Switching system of Mobile Switching Centers.
The Bachelor Degree Program requires 154 credits and is extended over a period of 4 years. This program is to be completed in 12 semesters, each year having 3 semesters.
Each semester will be of 14 weeks duration (out of 14 weeks 13 weeks for theory/lab classes with midterm examination and the last week of the semester is allocated for final exam). Mid-term Examination will be held without hampering normal classes.
According to our course curricula all theory courses will be of 3 credits and lab courses will be of 1.5 credits. A 3 credit theory course covers 3 classes/week where duration of each class is 60 minutes. A 1.5 credit lab course covers 2 classes/week where duration of each class is 90 minutes.